7 Apr 2012

Easter Week Adventures

Finished off my epic book 6 questline this week, and gathered some photos along the way...

Seems that Turbine has updated their graphics on Galadriel.  She used to be completely stunning, and now she's got this scowling face that reminds me of an angry grandmother.  :( 

I don't know when it happened, but earlier this week I found myself with a "huge yard" item reward in my bag (which seems pointless for a non-raid personal reward that you can't use at your own house)... so I bestowed it upon the yard of our Kinhouse!  :)

Ceola: "Sarharien!  What have I told you about leaving your bodies outside the gate?!?"  Me: "Um... technically they're not my bodies, I just helped decoratively place them there for you."

...a few hours later... Ceola: "Sarharien!!! Seriously?  My lord, woman!  Must you continue to plague us with piles of bodies?"  Me: "Good Sir, if you would kindly inform the neighbouring clan to stop running willy-nilly into my arrows, this problem would resolve itself."

Bumped into Funkymonk and Kitnitti out in the Limlight Gorge as they were jamming out some great duets.

Just a crazy bunch of freeps out in the moors after a day of battles all over the map.  Great fun!

Catching up on some Limlight dailies with some friends.  It almost seems inhumane to use Fire Oils on the trees out here... almost... ;)

Okay - award for the "Worst smelling burp" I think will go to Draigoch.  Peeewwww!

Everyone can relax.  SteveJobs has been found.  Seems his work for that fruit-tech-company has earned him a place in the Middle Earth afterlife.  Poor guy.

Is it just me, or does the mount emote "rearup" seem poorly named?  I don't know about you, but the rear of my horse doesn't move...

Off searching for six femme-fatal spirits of the Limlight... here I am posing beside Amity, who I have to say, is one tall gal!  Even standing UPHILL from here, she's still a head taller than me.  (Anyone know where the last 3 waifs are?  I can only find the first three...)

Running RoF with my kinmates, tackling the big spider at the end.  What fun!  Trees that actually love me and take away my poisons!

Battling multiple troll/tree mobs in the Limlight as we try to save time with the daily quests.  :)

The golf-happy fire troll in Forges takes another swing at our group.  Is it just me, or is it really HOT in here?!?

Finally caught an epic sword slash by the great Caliath in our kin.  Usually he's whacking so far out of my visual sight, that I miss all the fun before my camera finger can get to that button, but not today!

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter - He Is Risen!

Love and hugs to all my fellow Dwarrowdelfians,

Sarharien -- Bowchick of Red and Collector of Shoes
Kierraen -- Minstrel of Delightful Octaves of Pain
Niphredila -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles 

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