10 May 2011

No, You're not Fat

Spent the day blasting through the Lone Lands public dungeons in search of scholar mats, then running around with my head cut off trying to break into L31 for my new gear.

My first stop of the day was the Glassblowers Camp in south Evendim just near Oatbarton.  Okay, clearly this is NOT my talent area.  Never did manage to make anything pretty.

Later on in the day I managed to get enough rep with Mathom House to get inside.  In the basement they had a pet turtle!  Awww, how cute...<SNAP!>  Okay, stay away from that little critter.

Had to endure a very long and dangerous ride to Rivendell today to find Aragorn.  Bumped into Ponylox near the main bridge.  It's always beautiful in Rivendell.

In south Evendim I had to run some quests across the Brandywine.  Pretty scenery here too, although the locals really didn't like me crashing their treasure-thieving party.  Earned L31 too, and got my first 4-bit gambit!

Look at me... look at the hole... look at me... look at the hole.  A frikkin' HORSE could fit through that hole, let alone my waif of a hobbit body.  But noooooo... Turbine makes this a solid wall.  :P 

Big kudos to Lamassus who wins my prettiest dress of the day award.  Beautiful color of blue on the dress and cape.  Thx for standing still for the photo!  Oh... you're AFK.  ;)

NPC with the prettiest dress of the day goes to Andyri - I'd love that dress/robe - it's gorgeous.  Sadly she wouldn't part with it.  Something about having to be appropriately dressed to fend of the advances of cave trolls.  Yeah, I know about trolls honey.  Keep the dress.

"No, you're not fat, Fattuk.  Seriously.  Okay, so maybe you're enjoying a few too many Shire pies around the middle, but who doesn't love a hobbit with a spare tire?"  /rubshistummy

Wow - managed to get Johnney to stand still long enough for a photo after chasing him from the Esteldin crafting hall.  Of course sending him mail to read or a long forum post always helps.  ;)  Until next time!

Love and hugs to all my fellow Dwarrowdelfians,

Sarharien -- Bowchick of Red and Collector of Shoes
Kierraen -- Minstrel of Delightful Octaves of Pain
??? -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles

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