Here's me and the crew starting off in SG - Ibelin, Vahnya, Bigdennis, Katon (love your crafted horn btw!), and Threndinir.
Looting the fancy chest after defeating the armored-wight-light-boss. I was thrilled no one died during the fight! Yay me! >.<
Here we are after wiping the boss up in the tower - again no body died! Was a great fight, the group did awesome.
Battling our way through some loose mobs and brutes after the fire spirit boss.
And done! What a great run... some good iXP, and a couple nice drops for some of the people in the group. I think we had only one complete wipe at the beginning, and after that it was pretty smooth sailing the whole way. Kudos to everyone for trusting your lives in my hands. <3
Ended up back in Enedwaith after SG - and rain. Gah, what a miserable day in Middle Earth.
Decided to hide myself "indoors" for a while... so why not Halls of Crafting? :) The gang poses at the end of a successful run. Some "Pink" guy left before the photo, but Tytuss, Aelion and Floydan stayed behind for some antics for the camera.
While taking this self portrait in some underground temple, suddenly they all complained I was interrupting their ritual. "Yeah, whatever - bite me, I'm taking a photo, not hacking yer head off... yet."
Later on under Enedwaith, I came across a pretty lady. Well, I'm gonna assume she was pretty... once.
By the time I crawled out of the pit, the weather had done a complete 180 - now it was sunny, the wind was blowing, and I had a great few while heading back to Lhaunch.
Battled this elite warg master Athdurub in Mirkwood for some leaves.
Joined up with Vanidir, Enwendil, Setha and Nairbwulf to run through Carn Dum with Lorniel in search of her father. It was sad. She died. Again.
Managed to convince the crew to pose inside the Council of the North's chambers in Angmar before I headed out. Nairbwulf was really complaining about how long it took for us to get all set up for a photo. Just hold it fer crying out loud! This is Middle Earth, not kindergarten. Boys... meh. ;)
Found myself hungry - being that it was dinner time in RL. Someone hollered out in GLFF that there was an elite gwibber roaming around eastern Enedwaith by Nar's Peak. I couldn't resist. Here's Cloben in all his glory. I mean really - what mother gwibber names her son "Cloben"? That's just asking to get beaten...
Brandic starts in on the battle as our tank - our other team member was still riding in from Lhaunch when it all started... 104,000 morale and dropping! Whew - bad breath buddy!
More clobbering of Cloben... 54,000 morale...
Aiseki, Ramodez, Brandic and I try to slow down the battle... we dance, we hop around... sadly the pets kept at him... 1,300 morale... Ramodez kept giving Cloben some bling ice jewels to accent his outfit and draw attention away from his bad breath. It didn't help...
...ooops! Cloben died just as our final party member rode in to the scene (that's him on horseback at right). Sadly I can't remember his name (sorry!) but he was a warden whose name starts with "E". We all left the scene ladened with 18oz gwibber steaks and eyeballs. BBQ at the 21st mile marker anyone?
Stopped by the skirmish vendor to pick up my Helegrod teal robe. I love it! A great cosmetic even if I do come across a different armor combination for later... goes great with my suede Uggs. :)
Fellow kinnies Hain and Khelrion battle the elite quest dragon Bloodwing in Angmar. Khel had a quest, and we helped out. Always fun making the trek up to him through 20 drakes, and then back down the mountain through 20 more on the way out. Good pristine leather farming though!
Love and hugs to all my fellow Dwarrowdelfians,
Sarharien -- Bowchick of Red and Collector of Shoes
Kierraen -- Minstrel of Delightful Octaves of Pain
Niphredila -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles
Niphredila -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles
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