23 Apr 2011

Freezin' my cute... Oh! Is that some ore?

Today's adventure saw Kierraen (now L40) head up through Rivendell into the Misty Mountains. 

This remains one of my favourite scenery places in-game.  The mountains and trees are really well done, and remind me of my frozen Canadian home.  :)

The Misty Mountains are filled with tender lynx, marshmallow bog creatures, frozen worms, bears and my favourite - abominable snowmen!  Here's one of the fuzzy-wuzzies below, enjoying my rappin' drums.  Okay - so perhaps he didn't enjoy them as much as I had hoped... he dropped dead.

As always, I whack every protruding coloured rock I come across in my adventures.  Whew, my arms were getting sore after an hour in the Mistys though!

Look ma!  A dwarf!  :D  Yes, I found Gloin's camp in the Misty Mountains, and it's quite pretty.  A lovely waterfall and all these cute dwarves!  How can you go wrong?  :)

After spending a couple hours in the Misty Mountains harvesting ore nodes, killing bears and abominable snowmen, I had to head back to Rivendell to turn in some quests and reputation items.  I love the view from the winding road in/out of Rivendell, but I gotta say, that it's a pain in the arse to constantly use as a non-hunter.  :P

On one particular journey out of Rivendell, I caught this great shot of the moon in a starry night sky.  It's pretty impressive even the sky details (did you know the stars and moon MOVE correctly in the sky?) have  been carefully crafted by LOTRO to help with immersion into their wonderful world.  All that riding and questing today and I cleared two levels!  Yay!

Love and hugs to all my fellow Dwarrowdelfians,

Kierraen -- Minstrel of Delightful Octaves of Pain

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