Kierraen: "Seriously?"
Draigoch: " What?"
Kierraen: "You're supposed to die. You promised."
Draigoch: "No I didn't. You must have mis-read the Turbine fineprint of this raid. I am here voluntarily. I'm allowed to protest and stop the raid at any time, and the GMs can't do anything about it. I checked."
Kierraen: "No way! That is SO not fair! Did you not SEE us come back from a near wipe?"
Draigoch: "Sorry, I must have missed that part when I was trying to scratch an itch under my tail. You'd never believe how hard it is for a dragon to do that."
Kierraen: "We only came in here with nine people you know. Two died and accidentally ported themselves back to the entrance, so technically we were running this raid 7-man, and I'm pretty sure you would have died."
Draigoch: "Really? Only seven of you? Wow, I'm glad I stopped it then. That would have been embarassing for me, being beaten by less than a full raid."
Kierraen: "Good grief, are you going to pull the 'It's all about me' QQ-fest in here? Now?"
Draigoch: "Yup."
Kierraen: "Well, not only did we get you down to 280K before you stuck us in the a@@, but we were doing it with two healers, and almost no DPS classes. In fact, I think our hunter was one of the ones sitting it out back up at the entrance. We had very little DPS."
Draigoch: "I was wondering why you were taking so long. My contract clearly states that I should expect daily annoyances from you people that last less than 60 minutes. You were dragging on to nearly three hours. Oh, and would you tell the burg that I think he tickles? Thanks."
Kierraen: "I will do no such thing."
Draigoch: "Please? Really, how often do I get this opportunity to pass on messages to anyone?"
Kierraen: "Frankly from what I've been reading on the forums, you've been enjoying quite a lot of freedom with that 'screw-this-raid-i'm-not-dying' nonsense. Just wish you hadn't picked on MY group. I really wanted that symbol."
Draigoch: "Get over it. They'll be a dime-a-dozen with update 6 when some new fancy first age crap gets released, and you all stop coming in here to visit me, and I'll be all alone."
Kierraen: "Well, would you blame us? Really - I'm sure pulling this sort of stunt isn't winning you any fans right now either. Your stupid contract must have made it clear that you should expect to die regularly."
Draigoch: "Well, frankly no - it's quite unclear and vague in that regards, so I'm going to have to defer that answer to my lawyers."
Kierraen: "You have lawyers?!? O.M.G."
Draigoch: "Of course I have legal representation. Don't you?"
Kierraen: "Please shut up now... and get out of my picture. I'm trying to take a photo as if we'd finished this stupid raid."
Draigoch: "Get over yourself, I'm gonna be in this picture, and maybe I'll finally get invited onto the Conan O'Brien show - he's kinda cute."
Kierraen: "Ewww. Really? Wow, clearly you don't get out much. And you get TV down here?"
Draigoch: "Yup, full cable too. Some DEV came in and said they had these left over servers but he couldn't remember whether they were for the Ettenmores or for me, so I kinda convinced him they were mine."
Kierraen: "Wow, kick a girl when she's down why don't you. Seriously, you stole our Moors server upgrade? This just gets better all the time..."
Draigoch: "He gave them to me, I didn't steal them. I mean, okay, so perhaps I kinda snacked on his left leg and 'convinced' him to install my cable and WiFi service, but I can't really remember... he did taste a bit like bacon though..."
Kierraen: "Please shut up now, and get out of my picture."
Draigoch: "No."
Kierraen: "Really? Come on, after three hours, you're just going to be annoying and stand there?"
Draigoch: "Yup."
Kierraen: "Well, could you at least lie down and PRETEND to be dead?"
Draigoch: "Nope."
Kierraen: "Come on, it's for my blog."
Draigoch: "Oh! A blog? Will it make me famous?"
Kierraen: "I think you already are... infamous I mean."
Draigoch: "Ouch, that was mean."
Kierraen: "Just lie down."
Draigoch: "Nope. You may as well take your stupid picture and leave, because I'm not going anywhere."
Kierraen: "Wow. Thanks a lot. Really."
Draigoch: "Oooh, can I see it? Come on, let me see the pic!"
Kierraen: "Forget it. You've been nothing but a royal pain-in-the-a@@ tonight."
Draigoch: "Whatever. I'll just log in on my sweet new internet service, and check it out online later."
Kierraen: "Bastard."
Draigoch: "Don't let the cave door hit you on the way out, babe."
Love and hugs to all my fellow Dwarrowdelfians,

Sarharien -- Bowchick of Red and Collector of Shoes
Kierraen -- Minstrel of Delightful Octaves of Pain
Niphredila -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles
Niphredila -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles
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