25 May 2011

1000 Views and Counting

Wow!  Hit 1,000 views this week on my blog!  Thanks everyone!  As you may have noticed, I'm not posting "every day" anymore.  It's become a bit difficult to balance family & sleep requirements at the end of a busy LOTRO day, to actually make pen-to-paper for a post each day.  Also, as I'm going up in levels a bit slower now (Kierraen hit L59 yesterday), my content isn't as varied every day as it was.  Hope you don't mind :)

Case in point - my new life each day starts with The Grand Stairs.  I'm churning through these 2-3 times a day, doing the daily (easy & hard modes), and full clears anytime I can find them.  Been acquiring my Moria Armor Set for my minstrel.  Can't wait to hit L60 and put the pieces on that I have!

In the previous shot, we were "starting" our GS run, and here we all are (Tarithuil, Paralyzer, Wittgard, Alphyums, Borken) finishing it (hard mode)!

Earned enough rank with the Lothlorien elves to make it into Caras Galadon, so spent a good day running all over completing every quest I could to break into L59 by yesterday's end.

If I die down here in the Foundations of Stone, you might never notice me... I blend into these pink/purple rocks pretty good.  Will have to remember that... "don't lie down".

Another fun run through GS.  There sure can be a large discrepancy of PUG group behaviour... some are very organized and 'behaved', while other runs I sometimes catch myself thinking about not healing someone due to poor ettiquette... but I always do; just too nice I guess. Here I am with one group blazing through near the warg pens (Remy, Jasalyn, Aurios, Earlrond, Malinuil). Oh, and that warg to the right?  He died standing up.  Strangest thing... LOL.

A bunch of us entered one of the Dark Delving instances (can't remember which this was - sorry), and here we are (after recruiting Puffzor for some major tank help!) battling the boss Brumbereth.  Kudos to Finnwe, Corian, Saxkill, and Amakiir, for sticking it out through a couple drop-outs mid way through.

Wandering through Bree later in the evening, I came across Superman.  Okay, so I have no idea who he is (forgot to write down his toon name after taking photo), but well, what else do you call a floating man?  Those hobbits were so engrossed in their discussion of what meal they should be starting, they didn't even notice him.

Battling back down in the deeps of Moria, I had to go and kill Snapjaw - an elite mob that had eaten my sheet music for lunch.  Gross.  Carving those pages out of his dead body was NOT my most endearing moment in LOTRO.

More errand running through Lothlorien at night.  So pretty!

The Lord and Lady of Lothlorien agree to pose with me.  If I could strip that dress off Galhadriel without her noticing, I would - but I fear her lightning bolts of death (or whatever she'd use against me).  But it's pretty tempting...

Update 3 that released this week has finally fixed my Council of the North reputation mount.  The patch notes said it's still broken, but well - this time broken in my favour with the right textures!  Love it.

Posing on my war steed in Lothlorien at dawn.

Session play as a dwarf.  Again.  Dwarves with Balrog issues.  Again.  <sigh>  These axes are so very... neanderthal.  Where's my lute?

Well this is certainly one way to end a session play afternoon.  Getting my butt kicked by a never-ending stream of orcs and trolls, topped off with some Mazog!  Boy that hurt.

Ran another "first" instance for Kierraen today.  Can't for the life of me remember what it was called (I am SO very bad with names), but it involved killing a bunch of mobs, coloured eyeballs floating over our heads, a LOT of dread and fear, and finally rotating some dwarves into position (dwarven STATUES you sickos!).  ;)

My last PUG run of the day was ... Grand Stairs!  And with this completed run, I managed to get my Moria leggings!  Thanks to Bargald, Amadman, Ridlex, Katon, and Ohsnap for letting me heal you.  Sorry Barg that you died just at the end... I was not taking a picture at that moment, promise!  ;)

Love and hugs to all my fellow Dwarrowdelfians,

Sarharien -- Bowchick of Red and Collector of Shoes
Kierraen -- Minstrel of Delightful Octaves of Pain
Niphredila -- Warden of Gleeful Green Giggles

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